Saturday, March 27, 2010

'Round and 'round we go

Today I ran across some info about requesting a product freebie from an online site.  I love free stuff!  So I head to the website, enter my info to register, and click to submit.  Crap, I get the big red exclamation point telling me I didn't complete all the info.  And highlighted was the cell number section, which clearly stated "cell number not required for registration".  HUH???  So I start by entering all zeros.  Again with the error--"number has already been used" (no doubt by another disgruntled registrant who came before me).  So I try another random set of numbers.  Again, already used.  A few more tries, then I get pissed and click on the "contact us" link.  Well, guess what they want?  Yep, a full registration.

There is no way a single-use sample of L'Oreal shampoo is worth all that.

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