Thursday, April 1, 2010

Remarkably Unmemorable

I've long been accused of having multiple personalities, but there's evidence that they each bring a unique face with them.  Sometimes I feel invisible, other times I think I'm just non-descript.

I've lived on this small street for almost 20 years.  My neighbor was already here.  Shortly after my family moved in I met him at a neighborhood block party, and we have seen each other off and on since then.  He only knows who I am because he remembers my husband.  If we (as a couple) see this neighbor, he always addresses my husband by name, then turns to me and says, "I don't think we've met", or "Nice to meet you".  What???

I've "met" one of my husband's business associates several times now (you know, as in "Nice to meet you.")  At least twice, it was in my own home.  Huh?

These men must think my husband likes to remarry often.  I thought that as men get older, and presumably more successful, the tendency is to marry younger, more attractive women.  I guess they all assume that my husband is in dire financial straits because he keeps marrying down.

At the rehearsal dinner for my daughter's wedding, I met the groom's grandfather.  We sat at the same table and had a very nice, lengthy conversation.  It was an outdoor event and it started during daylight.  The next day at the (daytime, outdoor) wedding, as I was being escorted down the aisle, this man asks, "Who is that woman?"  (Same lighting, same conditions--different me?)

For several weeks after the wedding, I wondered what it was that made me so forgettable.  Then my daughter sent me a digital copy of all the wedding photos.  As I looked through them all (admittedly excited to see how I looked, since I don't get all dolled-up very often), I realized there was no picture of me being escorted to my seat.  Did the photographer not recognize me, not realize who I was?  We had spent several hours before the actual ceremony taking all the formal photos, and then there were those "candid" shots that were taken with my daughter as she was getting dressed.  Between then and the ceremony, just where the hell did I go???

Maybe the photographer did snap my picture as I walked down the aisle.  Perhaps what I feared the most has finally happened:  I've disappeared completely.

Fading Fast

1 comment:

Dianna said...

Boy, can I relate to this (except that I am thrilled when I don't show up in pictures). I choose to think that all the people in the world are just senile and/or I just keep getting hotter as I age so they just don't recognize me. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.